The Dream Flag Project . . .

The Dream Flag Project is a poetry, art, and community-building project open to any adult-led group of students in K-12. The Agnes Irwin School is the home of The Dream Flag Project.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 2 in Kathmandu: The Monkey Temple!

Here I am on Day 2 in Kathmandu!At the Monkey Temple!Mommy and babyFlags and monkeysWhere are we going?Wait!
The valleyFrom market to stupaWhat a marketThe great StupaFlags across the valleyThese prayer wheels reminded me of our sixth grade ones.
Mr. Harlan needs a blessingMonks who help keep the temple there. Climbing the dragonThe sun was going downFlags, flags, flagsOur inspiration!
THAT is Mr. Ang Rita Sherpa!

Click here to read the captions for Monkey Temple! picures.

Well we finally got to sleep like normal people (and dolls) last night, but guess where I am in this picture? Where the animals are mostly the size of me! The Monkey Temple, a famous place to pray with lots and lots of monkeys. It’s high up on a hill over the city. We rode a van to get there through all sorts of windy streets. It was definitely my favorite part of the day. The morning was kind of boring because Mr. Harlan and Mrs. Crow were organizing their things for the trek we start tomorrow, and there was no one to play with me. We did go to a palace place, but they wouldn’t let me in because they had a no dolls (or no bags) rule, and I thought it was really unfair. Mrs. Crow said I wouldn’t have liked it anyway because it was mostly paintings and furniture. But I do like to see things that are beautiful like the old temples yesterday. And the market at The Monkey Temple had LOTS of beautiful things. I loved it.

When we finally left the Monkey Temple, we were invited to dinner at Phurba Sherpa’s sister’s house, and it was for me too. I met lots of people, but my favorite was Mr. Ang Rita Sherpa. I hope you read the book Namaste, but if you didn’t yet, you should. It has a girl a lot like me in it. Mr. Ang Rita Sherpa likes our books too—the ones about me, and that’s him holding me in the picture! He was such a nice man and told us all about how the book was made. I love books, even ones not about me. Don’t you?
Got to go to bed now because tomorrow’s one of those wake up VERY early days. Lulka here we come. I can’t wait to start trekking tomorrow! Bye!


  1. Dear Yesshe,
    What type of monkeys were those in the Monkey Temple? Did you like seeing the monkeys and were they friendly? Were the monkeys afraid of you? What are some of the things you are taking on the trek? Have a safe trek!
    Mrs. A's class

  2. HI - can you tell us what the Great Stupa is? We saw that there are a lot of prayer flags there. Did you like seeing the monkeys? How are you carrying the food and the dream flags during the Trek? We wish you good luck on the trek!
    Mr. Flood's class
