The Dream Flag Project . . .

The Dream Flag Project is a poetry, art, and community-building project open to any adult-led group of students in K-12. The Agnes Irwin School is the home of The Dream Flag Project.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm in India!!

5/20 Hi, everybody. We’re in Dehli, India!! It was a VERY long flight, but I kept busy sitting in people’s laps, looking out the window, and watching the movies. (I think I watched three.) I liked how you could see where we were on the screen in front of Mrs. Crow’s seat. And she DID let me sit on the table-tray just like she said she would. I took a nap too because it was way way past my usual bedtime. Our plane took off from Newark, New Jersey around 8:30. You can see in this picture how we went way up high (Dr. Zopf, Mrs. Crow’s husband, said to call it north.) near a big white land called Greenland. Then we went over Europe, and I saw us go over Afganastan too. We were WAY high up—about 33 THOUSAND feet high, and it was colder than even the Himalayas outside our plane. It said on the screen that it was -72 one time when I looked! But now we’re on the ground again in Dehli and the airport looks pretty much like home, but Mr. Harlan said the signs are in English and Hindi, which is what the people near us are talking in right now. Oh, and the kids you see (I was really glad I’m not the only one.) are Tommy and Katie. Their parents are here too. They were really nice to me and helped me cozy in and take my nap. Talking of rest, I need some more now before we fly to Kathmandu really early tomorrow! I’m so sleepy. Bye.
Looking out the window (sideways)
Me with the other kids. (sidways again)
Watching the movies.


  1. Dear Yesshe,
    What movies did you watch? Did Tommy and Katie hold you for a long time? How did you meet them?
    What is the time difference - are you ahead of us or behind us in time?
    Mrs. A's class

  2. Dear Yesshe,
    What is your normal bedtime? We usually go to bed around 8:30. How long was the flight? What was your favorite part of the flight? Did you have to fly extra high when you went over Afghanistan because of the war?
    Mrs. Downey's class

  3. Dear Yesshe,
    Did you enjoy your 3 movies? Was it comfortable on the plane? Did you get a blanket?
    Mr. Flood's class
